
The motto for The Country Music Hall of Fame in Nashville is “Honor Thy Music.”

I’m a country music girl. Always have been. So visiting the Hall of Fame was a big thrill for me. But what really has stayed with me is this motto. To me it’s much bigger than music. It’s about being true to myself, which isn’t always so easy to do. We live in a society that often asks us to fit in; adopt everyone else’s ideas or principles; not to rock the boat.

I believe we each have our own unique song to sing, and that we’re here now to sing it. “Honor thy Music” reminds me to sing mine.

Loud and clear.

I’ve been working diligently on my entry for this year’s mask fundraiser for the Museum of Art here in Fort Collins.

For a long time I’ve wanted to mosaic a guitar and this seemed like the perfect time to do it.


Here’s a sneak peek at my finished piece. You’ll have to attend the show in April to see the guitar and many other amazing masks.


In the meantime, I leave you with this question: Are you singing your song?